Thursday, November 20, 2008

Iliad Project

Iliad Portfolio Project

Directions: You must make a portfolio for the Iliad that contains ten entries. You must have at least one entry from each category. It must be put together in an organized fashion. (Some things can be modified and you can add something else; however, you must talk to me before doing it.) Give you self plenty of time.

Due: December 12th and 13th

I. Writing and Reading:
a. Use a literary theory to analyze the epic poem.
b. Create four poems relating the main ideas of the epic poem.
c. Do a one page research on the origins of oral traditions or Homer.
d. Create a list of at least 20 things that are modern that have an allusion to ancient Greeks.
e. Create a short modern epic. (3 pages)
f. Create a short story involving a modern day Achilles.
g. Interview one of the characters from the epic.

II. Theater, Art, and Music
Create a movie for the Iliad. (either a short summary, movie trailer, or book)
Create a painting to illustrate one of the books.
Create a photo essay of five photos that you took illustrating your vision of war.
Read or watch a Greek play and write a critique.
Rewrite one of the books and put it in play form.
Create a ballad song for the Iliad.
Research what instruments were used and recreate a ancient ballad.
Create a comic strip for a book. ( six boxes)
Do a PowerPoint of Ancient Greek art. (10 pieces)
Come up with an Ancient Greek meal plan for a day. Bring in one meal to share with the class.

III. Math, Science, and Technology:
Diagnose one of the main characters with a mental illness and explain why and give a treatment.
One of the many attributes the Ancient Greeks gave to the world is architecture. How were the Ancient Greeks able to calculate the dimensions of their buildings? Examine their mathematical formulas for the acropolis. Show the formula and the calculations of how they were able to build the acropolis.
Euclid is a famous Greek mathematician. Explain five of his theories and what these new theories did for the Greeks and the world.
What medicines did the Ancient Greeks use? Come up with ten illnesses and how they were treated.
How did the Ancient Greeks use agriculture? Come up with a farming system for the Ancient Greeks.
What are some Greek inventions? Come up with ten Greek inventions.

IV. Sports and War:
a. Find out how the Ancient warriors trained and create a workout for them and teach it to the class.
b. When the warriors were not at war what did they do for recreation? Make a brochure of what entertainment there is to do.
c. Make a PowerPoint of the Ancient Greek Olympics. (10 slides)
d. Create a book of sports for Ancient Greek girls and boys that they would have enjoyed during that time period.
e. Create a fitness center commercial for the Ancient Greeks modeling you information from what you know about their sports and their heroes.

V. History and Current Events:
a. Compare and contrast the Trojan War to a modern war. (ven-diagram is fine)
b. Research a historical Greek warrior and make a time line of their life.c. Create a map of the Ancient Greek World
d. What modern things have we gained from the Greeks? Create a list and explain their origins.
e. Compare and contrast the Greek government to a modern government.
f. Pick Socrates, Plato, or Aristotle and outline their ideas of government.

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